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The Rustic Star

6712 scanThe Rustic Star (a furniture store) and the Schandua Building (1896-1903) on Main Street at Llano Street in Fredericksburg, Texas. The photo was taken in December of 2014 with a Nikon FTn Photomic 35 mm SLR equipped with a 50 mm f/1.4 Nikkor-S.C. Auto lens on Ilford FP4+ film. The negative was enlarged optically with a Beseler 23CIIXL enlarger and a 50 mm f/2.8 Schneider Componon-S lens on Ilford Multigrade Classic FB Double Weight Fiber Base silver gelatin photo paper. Processing was done archivally using Kodak chemistry, with a final toning with Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner, treated with hypo clearing agent, and washed in an archival washer.

8" x 10" Print

Copyright © 2018 Brendan J. Quirk