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Sonatas XI-30 (Seeking)

Dwade said, “You are speaking to me. Tell me, what must I do?”
“Before destruction’s complete, tell them what speaks to you!
Preserve rocks, land and forests, trees, waterfalls too
Hear what wildlife and fishes are telling to you!”

“Remember the animals, the flowers, the bees
Each and every one is there for our need
Without Nature, to hold and sustain us
In a web of life, we would have little purpose.”

The group journeyed onward, The Fae voices singing
They heard the Fae songs and waterways splashing and ringing
The memory of this landscape of earth and of water
Will surely fill their hearts with joy ever after.

The Faerie Queen looked shy as she gazed out at them,
“I am worried about what comes on the wind
Foretold or unforeseen - harsh times will begin.”

“Man will destroy, callous, cruel, and evil
His hand can come down like a hammer and anvil
The only hope to keep this shadow from falling over us all
Is if a kind Human heart hears and will answer our call.”

The four in the forest were ready to hear;
They were eager to listen - they banished their fears
They stood side by side to learn what they must do
Man sought to harm Earth if the Queen’s words were true.

16709-1 scanThe photo was taken in September of 2020 with a Pentax 67 medium format SLR equipped with a 105 mm f/2.4 SMC Pentax 67 lens on Ilford HP5+ film. The negative was enlarged optically with a Beseler 23CIIXL enlarger and a 100 mm f/5.6 Schneider Componon-S lens on Ilford Multigrade FB Classic Double Weight Fiber Base silver gelatin photo paper. Processing was done archivally using Kodak chemistry, with a final toning with Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner, treated with hypo clearing agent, and washed in an archival washer.

All aspects of this print were handled in an authentic, pre-digital manner. Archival processing will ensure the maximum life span for this print.

This print (1/25) on 8” x 10” paper is available for purchase, mounted or unmounted. Please contact me if interested. Thank You.

Copyright © 2023 Brendan J. Quirk