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Sonatas are individual series of prints expounding on a specific theme and accompanied by poetic text. The photographs are contained in 11 galleries. Click on the Sonata title or the image to be taken to the Sonata. In each Sonata, click on an image or title to be taken to the page for that particular photograph. On the photograph page, click on the image to see a full size scan of the print. All images used on this site are scans of actual silver gelatin prints; no digital image processing was used in making the prints, and no prints were made with digital ink jet.

The images in these series are generally photographed first, usually reflecting a particular location, printed, then ordered to a natural flow based on “feeling”, or a general story idea, not a set narrative. The text is then written, based on the picture sequence, in order to try to convey that feeling experienced when looking through the sequence and communicate the message thereby engendered.


Sonatas I Sonatas II Sonatas III Sonatas IV
Sonatas V Sonatas VI Sonatas VII Sonatas VIII
Sonatas IX Sonatas X Sonatas XI  

Sonatas I

Simple nature.

7212 scan

Sonatas II

A long walk on a well remembered trail.

12539-1 scan

Sonatas III

Gordon The Golfball

3017-1 scan

Sonatas IV (Triptych)

Youth's Spirit Rising

8204-1 scan

Sonatas V

Pieces of the Past Fall Away

11624-1 scan

Sonatas VI

Signs of Community

7808-1 scan

Sonatas VII

The Faerie Dance Sonata

12533-1 scan

Sonatas VIII


16013-1 scan

Sonatas IX

The Forest's Gifts: Walk With Me

14103-1 scan

Sonatas X

Pieces of the Present Abide - The Life of the River

14917-1 scan

Sonatas XI

Faerie Dance - Revisited

13936-1 scan


Updated 5/16/2023

Copyright © 2023 Brendan J. Quirk