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Lost Inn

9803-1 scanI call this the "Lost Inn", but it is really the Nenno General Store, built by Nicholas Nenno about 1870, on Hwy. 175 in Nenno, Wisconsin. Old photos about 1900 do show it being used as a hotel. Supposedly being renovated these days. The photo was taken in September of 2016 with a Pentax 67 medium format SLR equipped with a 105 mm f/2.4 SMC Pentax 67 lens on Ilford FP4+ film. The negative was enlarged optically with a Beseler 23CIIXL enlarger and a 100 mm f/5.6 Schneider Componon-S lens on Ilford Multigrade FB Classic Double Weight Fiber Base silver gelatin photo paper. Processing was done archivally using Kodak chemistry, with a final toning with Kodak Rapid Selenium Toner, treated with hypo clearing agent, and washed in an archival washer.

8" x 10" Print

Copyright © 2018 Brendan J. Quirk